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Technology Summit Sponsor

Inspire Commerce is proud to be a Base Camp Sponsor for the 2012 Technology Summit that is organized by the Non Profit Cultivation Center.

Nonprofit professionals are masters at stretching limited resources to create lasting and meaningful impact across our community. Operating with limited funds creates a need to cut costs in areas that have a large impact on the potential of productivity and effectiveness across staff.

Appropriate technology infrastructure and the confidence in managing that technology has a direct correlation to effectiveness of program, administration, and management.

We want to help you achieve greatness!

This conference calls on all nonprofit professionals in Boulder and Broomfield counties to join us for a day of trainings focused on:

  • Trainings in new and existing technologies;
  • Training tracks for beginning to advanced practitioners;
  • One on one Technology Experts to problem solve individual and unique organizational challenges; and
  • Fun networking opportunities.

For more information, please visit the Non Profit Cultivation Website